Nuevo Books
New Book Publishing Service Available
The New Mexico Book Co-op was founded to provide book-publishing support for local authors and publishers. Its sole mission has been to help authors and publishers showcase their books. The Co-op has organized dozens of events —book fairs, special displays, special marketing efforts in local media, and even a catalog of local books for stores and libraries—over the past six years to further that goal. That is probably why the membership has grown from about 20 in 2004 to over 1,000 today.
The most often heard request for publishing support has been help in actually getting a book published. There are many companies out there that offer self-publishing services. There are a few POD companies that are good. But some companies are just not providing the support that many local authors and publishers need—good quality publishing services at an affordable price. One thing that has been learned by New Mexico Book Co-op members is that there are lots of people in our state that can help. That’s why a co-operative works.
An Independent Publishing Services Program
The New Mexico Book Co-op offers a “self-publishing” services initiative built on the same model that has made the Co-op successful—quality that anyone can afford. The Nuevo Books program provides authors with a wide range of independent publishing support options from basic copyediting and file preparation services, to more substantial developmental editing and indexing. While the author independently chooses a print or e-book vendor to manufacture the finished book, Nuevo Books handles the editorial tasks that will get a manuscript ready for final publication. Sometimes that additional bit of professional polishing will make the difference between a book that gets attention in the marketplace and one that struggles to engage an audience. HOW IT WORKS Nuevo Books can help produce your next book! For a fee of $1,200, Nuevo Books will copyedit, typeset, design a basic cover, and prepare all the digital files to manufacture your book. Once set-up and approved at a vendor of your choice, you may order any quantity of books that you can take to stores, libraries, and events. In addition to this Basic Services Package, you can add other services as wanted or needed. For example, Nuevo Books can have your book professionally proofread or indexed. Other services might include preparation of press releases targeted to booksellers, libraries, news media, and book reviewers. Any of these options beyond the “basic” services described below would be negotiated separately between the author and Nuevo Books.
Basic Services Package (Set Price—Manuscript up to 50,000 Words*) for
Enhanced Services Available (Negotiated Separately Depending Upon Author Interest and Budget)
Independent Publishing Services
PROJECT INFORMATION Title of Book: Author/Contact Name: Author/Contact Email (Required): Author/Contact Mailing Address: 50-Word Description of Book: 150-Word Description of Book: 100-word Biography of Author: Author warrants that he/she has all rights to publish the material included in the manuscript provided and does not infringe on the copyrights of others in this material. ______ Yes ______ No Author warrants that he/she has written permission to publish any photos or illustrations in this book. ______ Yes ______ No Credit Card Number, Expiration, and 3-Digit CVS _______________________________________ (Required for Payment)
SERVICES (Check Services Requested)
________Basic Services Package $1,200 (includes copyediting, simple cover [one draft], typesetting from your computer files, preparation of digital files for print vendor)
_______ Please contact author to discuss Nuevo Books’s range of Enhanced Services beyond the Basic Services Package
(Author Signature)______________________________________________________________ “I do hereby request publishing services from Nuevo Books for this project with the full understanding that this service does not include any vetting of a proposed book. Author does hereby recognize, understand, and warrant that Author is entirely responsible for the material to be published and that Author shall indemnify and hold harmless Nuevo Books and its agents from any damages, costs, or expenses (including attorneys’ fees), for any legal actions regarding this book or its author.”
New Book Publishing Service Available
The New Mexico Book Co-op was founded to provide book-publishing support for local authors and publishers. Its sole mission has been to help authors and publishers showcase their books. The Co-op has organized dozens of events —book fairs, special displays, special marketing efforts in local media, and even a catalog of local books for stores and libraries—over the past six years to further that goal. That is probably why the membership has grown from about 20 in 2004 to over 1,000 today.
The most often heard request for publishing support has been help in actually getting a book published. There are many companies out there that offer self-publishing services. There are a few POD companies that are good. But some companies are just not providing the support that many local authors and publishers need—good quality publishing services at an affordable price. One thing that has been learned by New Mexico Book Co-op members is that there are lots of people in our state that can help. That’s why a co-operative works.
An Independent Publishing Services Program
The New Mexico Book Co-op offers a “self-publishing” services initiative built on the same model that has made the Co-op successful—quality that anyone can afford. The Nuevo Books program provides authors with a wide range of independent publishing support options from basic copyediting and file preparation services, to more substantial developmental editing and indexing. While the author independently chooses a print or e-book vendor to manufacture the finished book, Nuevo Books handles the editorial tasks that will get a manuscript ready for final publication. Sometimes that additional bit of professional polishing will make the difference between a book that gets attention in the marketplace and one that struggles to engage an audience. HOW IT WORKS Nuevo Books can help produce your next book! For a fee of $1,200, Nuevo Books will copyedit, typeset, design a basic cover, and prepare all the digital files to manufacture your book. Once set-up and approved at a vendor of your choice, you may order any quantity of books that you can take to stores, libraries, and events. In addition to this Basic Services Package, you can add other services as wanted or needed. For example, Nuevo Books can have your book professionally proofread or indexed. Other services might include preparation of press releases targeted to booksellers, libraries, news media, and book reviewers. Any of these options beyond the “basic” services described below would be negotiated separately between the author and Nuevo Books.
Basic Services Package (Set Price—Manuscript up to 50,000 Words*) for
Enhanced Services Available (Negotiated Separately Depending Upon Author Interest and Budget)
Independent Publishing Services
PROJECT INFORMATION Title of Book: Author/Contact Name: Author/Contact Email (Required): Author/Contact Mailing Address: 50-Word Description of Book: 150-Word Description of Book: 100-word Biography of Author: Author warrants that he/she has all rights to publish the material included in the manuscript provided and does not infringe on the copyrights of others in this material. ______ Yes ______ No Author warrants that he/she has written permission to publish any photos or illustrations in this book. ______ Yes ______ No Credit Card Number, Expiration, and 3-Digit CVS _______________________________________ (Required for Payment)
SERVICES (Check Services Requested)
________Basic Services Package $1,200 (includes copyediting, simple cover [one draft], typesetting from your computer files, preparation of digital files for print vendor)
_______ Please contact author to discuss Nuevo Books’s range of Enhanced Services beyond the Basic Services Package
(Author Signature)______________________________________________________________ “I do hereby request publishing services from Nuevo Books for this project with the full understanding that this service does not include any vetting of a proposed book. Author does hereby recognize, understand, and warrant that Author is entirely responsible for the material to be published and that Author shall indemnify and hold harmless Nuevo Books and its agents from any damages, costs, or expenses (including attorneys’ fees), for any legal actions regarding this book or its author.”