2017 Book Award Stickers

Order 2017 Finalist Stickers Here:
New Mexico Book Awards
Stickers are available for Winners or Finalists as long as supplies last.
The cost is $22 per roll of 100 stickers (includes shipping)

Order 2016 Winner Stickers: Rolls of 100
Order 2016 Finalist Stickers: Rolls of 100

Order 2015 Winner Stickers: Rolls of 100
Order 2015 Finalist Stickers: Rolls of 100

Order 2014 Winner Stickers: Rolls of 100
Stickers are a great way to promote your book! Put them on all your books; check with the stores that carry your books and see if they would like to have stickers on your books.
The New Mexico Book Awards is organized by The New Mexico Book Co-op,
a not-for-profit organization serving authors and publishers
2017 Book Award Sponsors:
Aakenbaaken & Kent Publishers, Joann Bodin, Sue Boggio & Mare Pearl, Book & Table, Valdosta, Georgia, Ruthe Francis, Nasario & Jan Garcia, Patricia Hodapp, Lani & David Kyea, Diane Layden, New Mexico Book Co-op, Santa Fe Public Library, Story Monsters LLC, Tinkertown Museum, Vicky Ramakka, Paul & Barbe Rhetts, SOMOS, Southwest Writers, Mary Kay Stein, Sunbelt Editions, Maida Tilchen, Jean & Ross Van Dusen, Jeanie Williams & PenPower, Wordharvest, Patricia Smith Wood, Dr. & Mrs. John Zeigler
New Mexico Book Co-op, 925 Salamanca NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107
info@nmbookcoop.com www.nmbookcoop.com 505/344-9382