2011 New Mexico Book Awards
Stickers are available for Finalists in the 2011 New Mexico Book Awards. The cost is $18 per roll of 100 stickers ($15 for the stickers and $3 for shipping)
Get your stickers here for finalists! To Order Stickers Click Below:
There are limited quantities of Finalist stickers left. If you want them order now before they are all gone.
Stickers are a great way to promote your book! Put them on all your books; check with the stores that carry your books and see if they would like to have stickers on your books.
The New Mexico Book Awards is organized by The New Mexico Book Co-op,
a not-for-profit organization serving authors and publishers
Category sponsors: Alamosa Books, Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Artemesia Publishing, AZRO Press, Bookworks, Friends of the Albuquerque/Bernalillo Co Public Library, Hope Kiah-Santa Fe Web Design, Humanist Society of New Mexico, LithExcel Communication, LPD Press & Rio Grande Books, Miche Bags New Mexico, Museum of New Mexico Foundation, New Mexico Book Association, New Mexico Breeze Newspaper, New Mexico Business Weekly, New Mexico Centennial Office, New Mexico Coalition for Literacy, ReadingNewMexico.com, ReadWest, Rio Rancho Public Library, Santa Fe Public Library, Southwest Writers, Sunbelt Shows, Sunstone Press, Tradición Revista Magazine, Treasure House Books & Gifts, University of New Mexico Press, WalMart, Word Harvest Writers Conference, and Zimmermann Library (University of New Mexico)
New Mexico Book Co-op, 925 Salamanca NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107
info@nmbookcoop.com www.nmbookcoop.com 505/344-9382