Nuevo Books
New Book Publishing Service Available
The New Mexico Book Co-op was founded to provide book-publishing support for local authors and publishers. Its sole mission has been to help authors and publishers showcase their books. The Co-op has organized dozens of events —book fairs, special displays, special marketing efforts in local media, and even a catalog of local books for stores and libraries—over the past six years to further that goal. That is probably why the membership has grown from about 20 in 2004 to over 1,000 today.
The most often heard request for publishing support has been help in actually getting a book published. There are many companies out there that offer self-publishing services. There are a few POD companies that are good. But some companies are just not providing the support that many local authors and publishers need—good quality publishing services at an affordable price. One thing that has been learned by New Mexico Book Co-op members is that there are lots of people in our state that can help. That’s why a co-operative works.
The New Mexico Book Co-op is launching a new book publishing company, built on the model that has made the co-op successful—quality services that anyone can afford. The new company is called Nuevo Books and its purpose is to provide self-publishing services to anyone who needs that type of help.
The number of publishing companies in New Mexico is shrinking, mostly due to the economy. They are being much more selective in what they will publish. In some cases certain genre do not fit into their mission. There are many authors who have books ready to be published but there are no publishers available to them. Nuevo Books can provide self-publishing help. Nuevo Books can help you get your book designed and ready to be published. It can also help get you started in marketing and promoting your new book. Many authors may find that having actual copies of their book may help get the attention of other publishers who might then be willing to produce your book. Once the book is out, it is the author’s responsibility to promote, store, and send out orders, but Nuevo Books can help with email blasts if that is needed.
Nuevo Books can publish your next book! For a basic fee of $1,000, Nuevo Books will design a cover and typeset your book, and prepare all the digital files to print it. It will get you an ISBN number, as well as the Library of Congress data. You will get one proof copy of the book. It will also post your book on its website. Once set-up and approved you can order any quantity of books that you can take to stores, libraries, etc. The price for books is the actual cost to print the books, not some inflated price designed to make someone else rich. Nuevo Books will not make any profit on any of the printing of your books. Nuevo Books will not do fulfillment and does not store or warehouse any books; these are the responsibility of the author. Members of NM Book Co-op will get a 20% discount on the basic package ($800.00).
Nuevo Books will order books for authors in any quantity needed (no minimum or maximum order) and authors will be charged for such orders at the time order is placed. Book orders will be shipped directly to the author.
The Basic Package includes getting your book listed on Amazon.com as well as in the Ingram catalog for booksellers. Any book orders from Amazon or Ingram will be automatically filled. Author does not pay for these orders; these orders will be handled by Lightning Source. The author will be sent payment for any such orders on a semi-annual basis (June and December).
In addition to the Basic Package, you can add other services as wanted or needed. Nuevo Books will be able to get your book professionally proofed or edited. Other services include preparation of press releases and mass email blasts to booksellers and libraries or news media and book reviewers.
New Book Publishing Service Available
The New Mexico Book Co-op was founded to provide book-publishing support for local authors and publishers. Its sole mission has been to help authors and publishers showcase their books. The Co-op has organized dozens of events —book fairs, special displays, special marketing efforts in local media, and even a catalog of local books for stores and libraries—over the past six years to further that goal. That is probably why the membership has grown from about 20 in 2004 to over 1,000 today.
The most often heard request for publishing support has been help in actually getting a book published. There are many companies out there that offer self-publishing services. There are a few POD companies that are good. But some companies are just not providing the support that many local authors and publishers need—good quality publishing services at an affordable price. One thing that has been learned by New Mexico Book Co-op members is that there are lots of people in our state that can help. That’s why a co-operative works.
The New Mexico Book Co-op is launching a new book publishing company, built on the model that has made the co-op successful—quality services that anyone can afford. The new company is called Nuevo Books and its purpose is to provide self-publishing services to anyone who needs that type of help.
The number of publishing companies in New Mexico is shrinking, mostly due to the economy. They are being much more selective in what they will publish. In some cases certain genre do not fit into their mission. There are many authors who have books ready to be published but there are no publishers available to them. Nuevo Books can provide self-publishing help. Nuevo Books can help you get your book designed and ready to be published. It can also help get you started in marketing and promoting your new book. Many authors may find that having actual copies of their book may help get the attention of other publishers who might then be willing to produce your book. Once the book is out, it is the author’s responsibility to promote, store, and send out orders, but Nuevo Books can help with email blasts if that is needed.
Nuevo Books can publish your next book! For a basic fee of $1,000, Nuevo Books will design a cover and typeset your book, and prepare all the digital files to print it. It will get you an ISBN number, as well as the Library of Congress data. You will get one proof copy of the book. It will also post your book on its website. Once set-up and approved you can order any quantity of books that you can take to stores, libraries, etc. The price for books is the actual cost to print the books, not some inflated price designed to make someone else rich. Nuevo Books will not make any profit on any of the printing of your books. Nuevo Books will not do fulfillment and does not store or warehouse any books; these are the responsibility of the author. Members of NM Book Co-op will get a 20% discount on the basic package ($800.00).
Nuevo Books will order books for authors in any quantity needed (no minimum or maximum order) and authors will be charged for such orders at the time order is placed. Book orders will be shipped directly to the author.
The Basic Package includes getting your book listed on Amazon.com as well as in the Ingram catalog for booksellers. Any book orders from Amazon or Ingram will be automatically filled. Author does not pay for these orders; these orders will be handled by Lightning Source. The author will be sent payment for any such orders on a semi-annual basis (June and December).
In addition to the Basic Package, you can add other services as wanted or needed. Nuevo Books will be able to get your book professionally proofed or edited. Other services include preparation of press releases and mass email blasts to booksellers and libraries or news media and book reviewers.