2012 New Mexico Book Awards
The winners in the 2012 New Mexico Book Awards will be announced on November 16, 2012 at the 6th Annual Awards Banquet which will be held at the MCM Elegante Hotel in Albuquerque, located at 2020 Menaul NE.
Banquet tickets can be ordered online below or you can make reservations by phone or by mail.
Tickets are $48 per person.
Cash bar 5:30pm
Dinner 6:30pm
Program 7:30pm
Banquet menu:
Chicken Scallopini
Mixed Vegetables
Vegetarian menu is available if requested in advance.
The New Mexico Book Awards is organized by The New Mexico Book Co-op,
a not-for-profit organization serving authors and publishers
Category sponsors: Alamosa Books, Albuquerque/Bernalillo Co Public Library & Friends of the Albuquerque Public Library, Arcadia Publishing, Artemesia Publishing, AZRO Press, Bookworks, Gibbs Smith, Humanist Society of New Mexico, Latin American Professional Speakers Association, Lori Hines, Mayor Tom Swisstack and the City of Rio Rancho, Moonlight Mesa Associates, Museum of New Mexico Foundation, Nancy Marshall, New Mexico Book Association, New Mexico Book Co-op, New Mexico Breeze Newspaper, New Mexico Business Weekly, New Mexico Centennial Office, New Mexico Coalition for Literacy , New Mexico Library Foundation, New Mexico State Library, Regis University & Dr. & Mrs. Randolph F. Lumpp, Rio Grande Books, Santa Fe Public Library, SAR Press, Southwest Writers, Sunbelt Media, Sunbelt Shows, Tony Hillerman Writers Conference, Treasure House Books & Gifts, University of New Mexico Press, Word Harvest Writers Conference, WalMart
New Mexico Book Co-op, 925 Salamanca NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107
info@nmbookcoop.com www.nmbookcoop.com 505/344-9382