New Mexico Book Co-op

promoting the best in local books

2024 New Mexico-Arizona
Book Awards Finalists

You can download the Finalists list by clicking:

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The Winners will be announced on October 1.

New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards — 2024 Finalists
William Frej                                                                Blurred Boundaries                                                                                         Museum of New Mexico Press
Edward Ranney; Essay by L R Lippard                    Huacas, The                                                                                                    Univ of New Mexico Press       
Diane D Dittemore                                                     Woven from the Center                                                                                  Univ of Arizona Press              
Arts (art, music, or photography)                                                                                            
William Frej                                                                Blurred Boundaries                                                                                         Museum of New Mexico Press
Barry Walsh & Anna Kim Walsh                              Hopi Katsina Anomalies: The Unusual, Rare, and Unique                             Rio Nuevo Publishers               
E Ranney; Essay by L R Lippard                                Huacas, The                                                                                                    Univ of New Mexico Press       
E P Rose                                                                      When Cows Wore Shoes                                                                                 Studio on 41 Press 
Autobiography & Memoir                                                                                             
Paul Semendinger                                                      365.2 Going the Distance: A Runner's Journey                                              Artemesia Publishing              
Jean A Miller Mariner                                                Backward and Blind                                                                                       Citrine Publishing  
Edith Tarbescu                                                            Beyond Brooklyn                                                                                                         
Erica M Elliott, MD                                                      From Mountains to Medicine                                                                                     
Daniel X Shephard                                                      Hollywood Furlough                                                                                                    
Ed Ashurst & Jean Ann Ashurst                                Kids on a Ranch                                                                                                           
Neil McKee                                                                 My University of the World                                                                                         
Cheryl Marita                                                              Touching the Veil: End of Life Stories                                                                          
Daniel Asa Rose                                                          Truth or Consequences                                                                                   Univ of New Mexico Press       
Jerry D Thompson                                                      Under the Piñon Tree                                                                                     Univ of New Mexico Press       
Los Seis Amigos                                                          Views from the Margin                                                                                               
George Kent Kedl & Pamela T Kedl                        We Ran Away to Sea                                                                                      Jacana Press          
Tim Jones                                                                    Zoo Man                                                                                                         Eco Publishing       
Biography – AZ subject                                                                                                   
J Rosales & V Fonseca-Chavez, eds                            La Plonqui: The Literary Life & Work of Margarita Cota-Cardenas               Univ of Arizona Press              
M Montiel & Y de la Torre Montiel                            World of Our Mothers                                                                                    Univ of Arizona Press              
Biography – NM subject                                                                                                 
Jack McElroy                                                               Citizen Carl                                                                                                     Univ of New Mexico Press       
Richard Melzer                                                           Don Perkins                                                                                                    Univ of New Mexico Press       
Malcolm Ebright & Rick Hendricks                          Pablo Abeita                                                                                                   Univ of New Mexico Press       
Biography – other                                                                                                            
E P Rose                                                                      Long The Short and the Tall, The                                                                    Studio on 41 Press 
M Montiel & Y de la Torre Montiel                       World of Our Mothers                                                                                    Univ of Arizona Press              
Business & Career                                                                                                            
Mike Kimmel                                                              Actor's Book of Quotes, The                                                                                       
Children’s Picture Book                                                                                                  
Rachel Bate                                                                 Hatch Chile Willie                                                                                           Mascot Kids           
Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw                                          Like You, Like Me                                                                                            Little, Brown/Christy Ottaviano Books      
Blumenthal, Blumenthal & Gustavson                   UFOhs!                                                                                                            Univ of New Mexico Press       
Coffee Table Book                                                                                                            
William Frej                                                                Blurred Boundaries                                                                                         Museum of New Mexico Press
Judith Phillips                                                             Gardens of Los Poblanos, The                                                                        Univ of New Mexico Press       
Sara Frances, ed                                                         Unplugged Voices                                                                                           Photo Mirage Books                
Kelley Cleary Coffeen                                                  Big Book of Hatch Chile, The                                                                          Univ of New Mexico Press       
Loretta Barrett Oden                                                  Corn Dance: Inspired First American Cuisine                                                 Univ of Oklahoma Press          
Judith Phillips                                                              Gardens of Los Poblanos, The                                                                        Univ of New Mexico Press       
David DeWitt & Jose Marmolejo                                Mexico Chile Pepper Cookbook, The                                                              Univ of New Mexico Press       
Molly Boyle & Lynn Cline, eds                                    New Mexico Magazine Centennial Cookbook                                                New Mexico Magazine            
Cheryl Taylor                                                               Breaking Free                                                                                                              
E J Randolph                                                               Oceana                                                                                                                        
Melissa Bowersock                                                     Spider Woman Walk                                                                                                   
Rosalie Rayburn                                                          Sunshine Solution, The                                                                                                
Rebecca Roque                                                           Til Human Voices Wake Us                                                                                         
Fiction - adventure or drama                                                                                        
W Michael Farmer                                                      Desperate Warrior                                                                                          Hat Creek/Roan & Weatherford                
Peter Riva                                                                    Elephant Safari                                                                                                           
Ross Van Dusen                                                          How Dance Hall Mary Conquered the West                                                               
Sue Boggio & Mare Pearl                                           Hungry Shoes                                                                                                 Univ of New Mexico Press       
Maralie Waterman                                                     Running in Place                                                                                             ReDNet Press         
Fiction - anthology                                                                                                           
Jane Ruby                                                                   I Dream I Wake I Write                                                                                                
Southwest Writers                                                    Woven Pathways                                                                                            Southwest Writers 

Fiction - cozy mystery                                                                                                     
Patricia Walkow & Chris Allen                                 Alchemy's Reach                                                                                                         
D R Ransdell                                                                Dervla Alarms the Nanas                                                                                            
Marcia Rosen                                                              Murder at the Zoo                                                                                          Artemesia Publishing              
Vicky Ramakka                                                            Pearl Plot, The                                                                                                Artemesia Publishing              
Fiction - crime                                                                                                                    
Lisa Boyle                                                                    In the Silence of Decay                                                                                                
William J Fisher                                                          Price of the Sky, The                                                                                                    
Daniel Burke                                                               Red Screen                                                                                                      Shadow Dragon Press              
Fiction - historical, AZ                                                                                                     
Venetia Hobson Lewis                                              Changing Woman                                                                                           Bison Books           
W Michael Farmer                                                     Desperate Warrior                                                                                          Hat Creek/Roan & Weatherford                
Lynn Downey                                                              Dude or Die                                                                                                                 
Ed Ashurst                                                                   Fall Roundup, The                                                                                                       
Fiction - historical, NM                                                                                                   
Hank Bruce                                                                 Call of Quarai                                                                                                 Petals & Pages       
Willa Cather; Intro by R W Etulain                          Death Comes for the Archbishop                                                                   Univ of New Mexico Press       
Mark Warren                                                              Last Serenade for Billy Bonney, A                                                                   Five Star/Gale-Cengage           
David Kyea                                                                  More Margarito and Me                                                                                            
Fiction - historical, other                                                                                                
Donald Willerton                                                        Death in the Tallgrass                                                                                                 
J Hoolihan Clayton                                                      Small Light of Discretion                                                                                Dog Soldier Press   
Charlene Dietz                                                            Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor, The                                                    Artemesia Publishing              
Deborah Swenson                                                      Till My Last Day, Book Two                                                                             NorHar Press         
W Michael Farmer                                                      Trini! Come!                                                                                                    Five Star/Gale-Cengage           
Fiction - mystery, thriller                                                                                                
Shannon Baker                                                           Bull's Eye                                                                                                         Severn River Publishing           
Ron Franscell                                                              Deaf Row                                                                                                                    
D R Ransdell                                                                Dervla Alarms the Nanas                                                                                            
Peter Riva                                                                   Elephant Safari                                                                                                           
J L Greger                                                                    Escape from a Dark Cave                                                                               Bug Press               
Jim Peach                                                                    Hinton: A Novel of Murder                                                                             Aakenbaaken & Kent               
Anne Hillerman                                                          Lost Birds                                                                                                        HarperCollins         
Merle McCann                                                            Murder at Harmony Farm                                                                                          
Fiction - sci fi/fantasy                                                                                                      
Catherine Wells                                                          Crystal Desert                                                                                                              
Avery Christy                                                              Guardians of the High Pass                                                                                         
Kris Neri                                                                      Magical Mushrooms                                                                                      Well Read Coyote Books          
E J Randolph                                                               Oceana                                                                                                                        
Fiction – other                                                                                                                   
Martha Burns                                                             Blind Eye                                                                                                           Atmosphere Press           
Cheryl Taylor                                                               Breaking Free                                                                                                              
Manuel Muñoz                                                           Consequences, The                                                                                         Gray Wolf Press     
Estella Gonzalez                                                         Huizache Women                                                                                           Arte Publico Press 
Sue Boggio & Mare Pearl                                          Hungry Shoes                                                                                                 Univ of New Mexico Press       
Stacie Shannon Denetsosie                                      Missing Morningstar and Other Stories, The                                                 Torrey House         
David Kyea                                                                  More Margarito and Me                                                                                            
Maralie Waterman                                                    Running in Place                                                                                             ReDNet Press         
Oriana Rodman                                                          Unanswered Howls                                                                                        Fine Dog Press       
Jeanne Shannon                                                         Vespers                                                                                                                        
First Book AZ                                                                                                                      
Venetia Hobson Lewis                                              Changing Woman                                                                                           Bison Books           
Kelly Rowe                                                                  Rise Above the River                                                                                       Able Muse Press    
Rebecca Roque                                                           Til Human Voices Wake Us                                                                                         
First Book NM                                                                                                                    
Jean A Miller Mariner                                               Backward and Blind                                                                                       Citrine Publishing  
Martha Burns                                                             Blind Eye                                                                                                          Atmosphere Press
Loretta Barrett Oden                                                Corn Dance: Inspired First American Cuisine                                             Univ of Oklahoma Press          
Oriana Rodman                                                          Unanswered Howls                                                                                        Fine Dog Press       
Gay/Lesbian (LGBTQ)                                                                                                      
Dr P J Sedillo                                                               Embraced or Excluded?                                                                                  Pieces of Learning 
David Meischen                                                          Nopalito, Texas                                                                                               Univ of New Mexico Press       
Rosalie Rayburn                                                          Sunshine Solution, The                                                                                                
Health/Humor/New Age                                                                                               
James Navé                                                                 100 Days: Poems After Cancer                                                                       3: A Taos Press       
Kat Sawyer                                                                  Poetry in Pose                                                                                                             
Brenda Fleming                                                          Short Front Legs                                                                                                          
History – AZ                                                                                                                        
Jerry A Cannon                                                           The Navajo Bridge                                                                                          Vishnu Temple Press               
Michelle Berry                                                            Cow Talk: Work, Ecology, & Range Cattle Ranchers                                       Univ of Oklahoma Press          
M Montiel & Y de la Torre Montiel                        World of Our Mothers                                                                                    Univ of Arizona Press              
Roger Naylor                                                               Awesome Arizona                                                                                           Univ of New Mexico Press       
History – NM                                                                                                                      
Jack McElroy                                                               Citizen Carl                                                                                                     Univ of New Mexico Press       
Nick Pappas; Foreword by R Melzer                       Crosses of Iron                                                                                                Univ of New Mexico Press       
R Montano, D Roche, & D Pardue, eds                   Maria & Modernism                                                                                       Heard Museum      
Robert Tórrez                                                              New Mexico's Wicked City                                                                              Rio Grande Books  
Malcolm Ebright & Rick Hendricks                          Pablo Abeita                                                                                                   Univ of New Mexico Press       
Jerry D Thompson                                                      Under the Piñon Tree                                                                                     Univ of New Mexico Press       
History anthology                                                                                                            
Robert Tórrez                                                              New Mexico's Wicked City                                                                              Rio Grande Books  
Los Seis Amigos                                                          Views from the Margin                                                                                               
E R Lamadrid & J A Rivera, eds                                Water for the People                                                                                      Univ of New Mexico Press       
History – other                                                                                                                  
Dr P J Sedillo                                                               Embraced or Excluded?                                                                                  Pieces of Learning 
Estella Gonzalez                                                          Huizache Women                                                                                           Arte Publico Press 
Peter Goin                                                                   Lake Tahoe: A Rephotographic History                                                          Univ of New Mexico Press       
Nelson, ed; Foreword by Vanausdall                     Religion and the American West                                                                    Univ of New Mexico Press       

Juvenile (grades 3-8)                                                                                                       
Robert Skead                                                              Batboy and the Unbreakable Record, The                                                     Kinkajou Press       
Dr P J Sedillo                                                               Embraced or Excluded?                                                                                  Pieces of Learning 
Jennifer Bohnhoff                                                      Worst Enemy, The                                                                                           Kinkajou Press       
Jodi Lea Stewart                                                         Canyon of Doom                                                                                             Progressive Rising Phoenix Press              
Estella Gonzalez                                                          Huizache Women                                                                                           Arte Publico Press 
Phillip Gonzales & Manuel Sarinana                       Impresiones de un Surumato                                                                         Univ of New Mexico Press       
Betsy James                                                                Breathing Stone                                                                                              Casa Urraca Press  
M John Fayhee                                                           Long Tangent, A                                                                                              Mimbres Press of Western New Mexico University    
Renata Golden                                                            Mountain Time                                                                                               Univ of Georgia Press              
A Thomas Cole                                                            Restoring Pitchfork Ranch                                                                              Univ of Arizona Press              
E R Lamadrid & J A Rivera, eds                                Water for the People                                                                                      Univ of New Mexico Press       
Bernadette Maldonado                                            Why Asha Goes North                                                                                    BeArtsybyBernadette              
J E Cartron & J K Frey, eds                                        Wild Carnivores of New Mexico                                                                     Univ of New Mexico Press       
Tim Jones                                                                    Zoo Man                                                                                                         Eco Publishing       
Nonfiction – general                                                                                                        
Brittany Means                                                           Hell If We Don't Change Our Ways                                                                Zibby Books           
Daniel X Shephard                                                      Hollywood Furlough                                                                                                    
M John Fayhee                                                           Long Tangent, A                                                                                              Mimbres Press of Western New Mexico University    
Tom Zoellner                                                               Rim to River                                                                                                    Univ of Arizona Press              
Susan Kollin                                                                Thelma and Louise                                                                                         Univ of New Mexico Press       
Cheryl Marita                                                              Touching the Veil: End of Life Stories                                                                          
Parenting & Family                                                                                                          
Larada Horner-Miller                                                Hair on Fire                                                                                                     Horner Publishing Co               
Brenda Fleming                                                          Short Front Legs                                                                                                          
Mary E Carter                                                             Diaspora of the Discombobulated                                                                  Tovah Miriam         
Larada Horner-Miller                                                Hair on Fire                                                                                                     Horner Publishing Co               
Jack Loeffler                                                                Pagan Polemic, A                                                                                            Univ of New Mexico Press       
Poetry - AZ                                                                                                                          
Kelly Rowe                                                                  Rise Above the River                                                                                       Able Muse Press    
Tennison S Black                                                         Survival Strategies                                                                                          Univ of Georgia Press              
Eleanor Kedney                                                          Twelve Days from Transfer                                                                             3: A Taos Press       
Katie Sarah Zale                                                          Weight of a Leaf, The                                                                                     Kelsay Books          
Poetry - NM                                                                                                                        
Sara Danielle Rivera                                                 Blue Mimes, The                                                                                             Gray Wolf Press     
Tina Carlson                                                               Guide to Tongue Tie Surgery, A                                                                      Univ of New Mexico Press       
Shelley Armitage                                                       Habit of Landscape, A                                                                                    Finishing Line Press             
Mary Morris                                                               Late Self-Portraits                                                                                           Wheelbarrow Books                
Sarah Kotchian                                                          Light of Wings                                                                                                Univ of New Mexico Press       
Levi Romero & Michelle Otero, eds                       New Mexico Poetry Anthology 2023                                                              Museum of New Mexico Press
Mary Oishi                                                                  Sidewalk Cruiseship                                                                                        Univ of New Mexico Press       
Poetry Anthology                                                                                                             
Dale Harris & Merimee Moffitt                                Central Avenue Then & Now                                                                          Hummingbird Hollow Press     
Zachary Kluckman, ed                                                Glissando!                                                                                                       NM State Poetry Society         
Levi Romero & Michelle Otero, eds                         New Mexico Poetry Anthology 2023                                                              Museum of New Mexico Press
Zotalis, Williams, Barnett, & Hildebrandt, eds       Upward Spiral                                                                                                 Upward Spiral Collective         
Political & Current Events                                                                                              
Hal Malchow                                                              Reinventing Political Advertising                                                                                
Greyeyes, Lee & Martinez, eds                               Yazzie Case, The                                                                                             Univ of New Mexico Press       
Mike Kimmel                                                              Actor's Book of Quotes, The                                                                                       
J E Cartron & J K Frey, eds                                       Wild Carnivores of New Mexico                                                                     Univ of New Mexico Press       
Richard Melzer                                                           Don Perkins                                                                                                    Univ of New Mexico Press       
M John Fayhee                                                           Long Tangent, A                                                                                              Mimbres Press of Western New Mexico University    
Lincoln A Mitchell                                                       One Hundred Most Important Players in Baseball History, The                     Artemesia Publishing              
Matt Baxter & Ron Mann                                           Running Up The Mountain                                                                             Soulstice Publishing                 
Roger Naylor                                                              Awesome Arizona                                                                                           Univ of New Mexico Press       
Neill McKee                                                                My University of the World                                                                                         
Tom Zoellner                                                              Rim to River                                                                                                    Univ of Arizona Press              
Judith Fein; Photos by Paul J Ross                          Slow Travel New Mexico                                                                                 Univ of New Mexico Press       
Young Adult (high school)                                                                                              
Christine H Bailey                                                       Burning Little Lies                                                                                           Kinkajou Press       
Jodi Lea Stewart                                                         Canyon of Doom                                                                                             Progressive Rising Phoenix Press              
Sue Boggio & Mare Pearl                                          Hungry Shoes                                                                                                 Univ of New Mexico Press       
W Michael Farmer                                                     Trini! Come!                                                                                                    Five Star/Gale-Cengage           
Jennifer G Edelson                                                     True North                                                                                                      Bad Apple Press     
Young Readers (grades 1-3)                                                                                           
Sally Harper Bates                                                      Canyon Cowboy                                                                                                          
Richard E Rokosz                                                         Horoscopial Proverbs II                                                                                  Glory Bound Publisher            
Ricardo Yancey Jr                                                        My Best Friend GRANNY                                                                                             
Vaunda Micheaux Nelson                                          Small Shoes, Great Strides                                                                             Lerner Publishing Group          
Cover Design (6x9 or smaller)                                                                                                  
Willa Cather; Intro by R W Etulain                         Death Comes for the Archbishop                                                                   Univ of New Mexico Press       
W Michael Farmer                                                    Desperate Warrior                                                                                          Hat Creek/Roan & Weatherford                
Mary Oishi                                                                  Sidewalk Cruiseship                                                                                        Univ of New Mexico Press       
Tennison Black                                                           Survival Strategies                                                                                                      
John Roche                                                                 Tubbables                                                                                                       Poetry Playhouse Publications
Cover Design (>6x9)                                                                                                         
Dawn Newland                                                           Arizona Tough                                                                                                             
J L Greger                                                                    Come Fly with Elf                                                                                            Bug Press               
Peter Goin                                                                   Lake Tahoe: A Rephotographic History                                                          Univ of New Mexico Press       
Bernadette Maldonado                                            Why Asha Goes North                                                                                    BeArtsybyBernadette              
Cover Design (eBook)                                                                                                      
Melissa J White                                                         Beautiful Girl                                                                                                  Facing Pages Publishing           
Peter Riva                                                                   Elephant Safari                                                                                                           
Melissa Bowersock                                                    Spider Woman Walk                                                                                                   
Rebecca Roque                                                          Til Human Voices Wake Us